
Albanian and international science community stands up against damming the Vjosa river

++ One of the largest science petitions in global freshwater ecology calls to stop Vjosa dam projects in Albania ++ Scientists demand Albanian government to respect scientific standards in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Kalivaç hydropower project ++

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Scientists for Vjosa - Videos

The international and Albanian freshwater science community raise their voices to warn of the severe consequences of the proposed dams on the Vjosa (and her tributaries). Listen to the many aspects of concern, including erosion of the coastline, loss of biodiversity, threat of dam break due to earthquake-prone area, loss of economic income and many more. Will the Albanian government listen to science?

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Presentations of the Wild River Science Symposium

Find here all presentations of the International Wild Rivers Science Symposium and the Wild Rivers Night! Renowned scientists from USA, Japan and many European countries discussed the state of the world’s wild rivers and stress the urgency to protect the last free-flowings.

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Two days for wild river science in Albania

On October 18th and 19th, Albania became a hotspot of freshwater science. Renowned scientists from USA, Japan and many European countries participated in the Wild Rivers Science Symposium and the Wild Rivers Night in Tirana. They spent the following day on boats paddling Europe`s last big intact river – the Vjosa. Two days that connected scientists and strengthen their efforts to save the last free flowing rivers.

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Invitation: International Wild Rivers Science Symposium and Wild Rivers Night

One day - two events for free rivers! We are pleased to announce the International Wild Rivers Science Symposium and the Wild Rivers Night in Tirana/Albania on October 18th, 2019. The symposium, hosted by the Universities Tirana and Vienna, will bring together renowned scientists from around the world to discuss the condition of the world's last wild rivers. The symposium will end in  an entertaining evening event with selected talks and live music.

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New Vjosa study: hardly any energy, no sand for the beach

++ Sediment study of the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU) proves serious consequences of the planned power plants on the Vjosa ++ For over a year, scientists from the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU) have been studying the sediment transport of the Vjosa river for different high and low water phases

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Comprehensive Study on Ecosystem Vjosa published

More than 60 scientists from Albania, Austria and Germany have collected their knowledge about the biodiversity and ecology of the Vjosa on 385 pages. The comprehensive study "The Vjosa in Albania - a riverine ecosystem of European significance", published in Acta ZooBot Austria, was presented by the lead scientists at Tirana International Hotel on December 6th.

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Eco-Masterplan shows value of Balkan Rivers

++ 80,000 kilometers of rivers in the Balkans scientifically assessed ++ 76 percent thereof identified as no-go zones for hydropower development ++ Switch in energy policy is necessary and possible ++ Three quarters of the rivers in the Balkans are ecologically so valuable, that they should be completely off limits for hydropower development. This is the conclusion of the Eco-Masterplan, which was published today by the NGOs Riverwatch and EuroNatur.

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Vjosa Science Expedition

Between April 17th and May 6th, eleven scientists from Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Albania went on an expedition to collect data on biodiversity as well as ecosystem functions for the entire Vjosa river network. With great effort, 300 river kilometers were sampled by use of the most state-of-the-art methods and equipment. During this expedition – led by Dr. Gabriel Singer of the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in Berlin – the Vjosa’s exceptional value was confirmed once more:

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Two new animal species discovered in the area of projected dam on Vjosa

++ International research team finds 300 animal species in only one week, including a new fish and stonefly species ++ Sediment transport could grind electricity generation of the projected hydropower plant Poçem to a halt within 25 years ++ Earlier this year in April, 25 scientists from 4 countries researched the river section of the Vjosa in the area of the projected hydropower plant Poçem.

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