We are happy to inform you about the Balkan Rivers Conference in September 2015 – the first event of this kind in Europe! Please mark the dates in your calendar! Organized within the context of the Save the Blue Heart of Europe Campaign, it shall be a first get-together of river NGOs, initiatives, anti-dam movements, fishermen and other river lovers from all over the Balkans and elsewhere.
Goals of the conference are
- to bring together those who are concerned about Balkan rivers
- to inform each other about campaigns, initiatives or activities related to river protection
to establish a Balkan River Network
- to jointly develop strategies and activities to protect our rivers and stop the dam tsunami
When: September 25th-27th, 2015 (on the occasion of the UN World Rives Day on September, 27th)
Where: The location of the conference is not yet determined, but it will most likely take place in Sarajevo or Belgrade.
There will be another announcement as soon as we know the place including the program.
Download the Save-The Date as PDF.
For more information please contact