
Video: The Vjosa at a Crossroad - ORF coverage

Coverage about the Vjosa Tour event in Selenica and the projected HPP on the Langarica (Vjosa tributary) on Austrian public service broadcaster ORF (ZIB2)

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Impressions and media coverage of our latest campaign events

Lots of things have happened in the campaign in the last couple of weeks. Visual impressions thereof are now available on our website!

The Vjosa River at a Crossroad – Dam Tsunami or National Park?

NGOs uncover: 33 hydropower plants projected ++ Austrian and Italian companies involved ++ New initiative supports national park idea. Today, the international NGOs Riverwatch and EuroNatur, together with their local partner EcoAlbania, are presenting a paper, which for the first time reveals the full extent of the threat to the Vjosa catchment area.

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Tirana Times: Protecting Vjosa, Europe’s last wild river

The Tirana Times published an interview with Ulrich Eichelmann about the Vjosa River, its threats, the alternative idea of a Vjosa National Park and the Blue Heart of Europe campaign. Read the interview here: Protecting Vjosa, Europe’s last wild river

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NEWS: Is the EBRD pulling out of Mavrovo NP?

Today, the Guardian published a detailed report about the situation of the Balkan Rivers. In it, the newspaper reports that the EBRD is likely to pull out of hydro project in the Mavrovo National Park in Macedonia, one of our key areas in the campaign. Read the full article which was published in the Guardian today, Feb 20: Balkan dam boom threatens Europe’s last wild waterways

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Vjosa in Albania: Municipalities of Përmet and Çarshovë want National Park instead of dams

150 people discuss the future of the river - parliamentarians will be informed. On Wednesday and Thursday the first public discussions about the future of the Vjosa Valley took place in Çarshovë and Përmet in southern Albania. While  the government envisages the construction of eight dams along the river, the mayors and people of the affected communities support the alternative idea of establishing a national park.

GEO article now ONLINE!

The September print edition of the renowned German magazine GEO featured an article about the GEO Days of Biodiversity at the Vjosa River in Albania. Now, the article went online: Europas letzter wilder Fluss

Since it is only available in German read a partial translation here:


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Vjosa goes Club Sound

Friends of the Balkan Rivers produced this neat "Save the Vjosa" remix featering stunning Vjosa views. Enjoy!

Save the Vjosa! (Lava 303 feat. Blue Heart of Europe)

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Wolf, Egyptian Vulture, Black Pennant, and Black Widow recorded at the Vjosa River in Albania

Vienna, Radolfzell, August 21, 2014. In the context of the Days of Biodiversity – an initiative of the German GEO magazine – a remarkable field research event took place at the Vjosa river in Albania in mid-June. Results will be published in the latest issue of the GEO magazine, which will be available on August 22.

Vjosa Biodiversity Days: SCIENTIFIC REPORT

Between June 13th-15th, the Geo Days of Biodiversity took place at the Vjosa River in Albania. Of the more than 400 species identified, ten percent are classified as threatened, rare or endemic, many of which are protected by international conventions according to IUCN and the Albanian Red List.